About Us

Founded in 1971 as a tie manufacturer in the United Kingdom, “Woodstock Neckwear” joined the Randa group of companies in 1993. This division now distributes neckwear, belts, leather goods, luggage, footwear, and other accessories and gifts to all major customers and channels of distribution in the UK.







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Contact Us

For press or trade information, please contact the office at RandaUK@randa.net

Belts & Leather Accessories

Tel: 01908 302940
Address: 2nd Floor, Bell House, Seebeck Place, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8FR

Tie and Luggage

Tel: 0207 723 2814
Address: 12th Floor, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DH

DC, Logistics, Customer Service & Finance

Tel: 01592 771 777
Address: Telford Road, Eastfield Estate, Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland KY7 4NX